Stories and Poems by RHD

Flight of Fancy


Flight of Fancy

With Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum
In the cockpit,
I knew we were in trouble.
The Red Queen
Shoved the Dormouse
Under the seat in front of her
And braced for impact.
The plane fell and fell and fell and fell,
While the Mock Turtle whimpered.
I did a triple summersault
Over the fireball
And jackknifed into the ocean.
The White Rabbit in a life vest
Fussed about the time,
“This is no way to run an airline!”
“On the contrary,”
Proclaimed the Mad Hatter,
Sipping tea on a rubber raft,
“It’s a very fine way!”
The Caterpillar took a drag
On his hookah
And remarked,
“Nothing is, as it seems.”
The Cheshire Cat
Just grinned,
Until the Griffin swooped down
And we all got carried away.


This poem was published in the November 2014 issue of FrostFire Worlds.